My Valentine's Day present!
Look what my husband let me have for Valentine's Day!

He's a Bassett Hound/Heinz57 mix, and 8 weeks old. :) We haven't come up with a name yet -- any ideas???
The cats don't know what to think. They are tolerating him from a distance so far, and giving me dirty looks. :) The rest of us are having fun playing with the new addition to our household.
We've had a rough week here with my cat dying and a friend of the family passing away the next day.....the puppy really brightened up things around here. Hopefully we can come up with a name for him soon. That's the tough part!
I'm going to crochet him a doggie sweater. It's a bit chilly outside for him still, and I don't want him to freeze everytime I take him out into the backyard to potty. Anybody know where I could find an online pattern for one?
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