Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What would your soundtrack be??

I saw this on a blog as I was updating my buttons here on the blog, and just had to try this! :)


Directions:If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?

1. Open your mp3 library
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press Play.
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the Next button.
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool.
7. Don’t skip songs.

My Movie:
1. Opening credits: Strauss: Blue Danube Waltz
2. Waking up: Beatles: Revolution
3. First day of school: Sheila Nicholls: Bread and Water
4. Fight song: Millie Small: My Boy Lollypop
5. Breaking up: Hall and Oates: Rich Girl
6. Happiness: Shenandoah: Next to You, Next to Me
7. Life’s okay: herman's Hermits: Henry the VIII
8. Mental breakdown: Loreena McKennitt: Courtyard Lullabye
9. Driving: The Cisco Kid: War
10. Flashback: Queen: Crazy Little Thing Called Love
11. Getting back together: The Hollies: Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress
12. Wedding song: Ray Charles: You are My Sunshine
13. Birth of first child: Lee Greenwood: I'm Proud to Be an American
14. Final battle scene: Gino Vanelli: I just Wanna Stop
15. Death scene: Garth Brooks: Friends in Low Places
16. Funeral song: Trisha Yearwood: How Do I Live?
17. End credits: Savage Garden: The Animal Song

Gee, that really shows what a weird mix of music I have on this PC.....LOL