Tuesday, December 20, 2005

New Year's Resolution

I would imagine a lot of people are like me and have broken numerous New Year's resolutions over the years. Normally I do great for about a month or so, and then I forget my zeal for self-improvement and end up back in Old Habitville. Ever been there? :)

Last year's resolution was giving up diet soda. And here I am December 2005 typing on my blog drinking Diet Cheerwine. Failure. lol. The year before that was a Yarn Diet. I made it to March, and then Herrschner's had a sale. Goodbye yarn diet.

This year I'm making a resolution of a different and more serious nature. It's a more serious and vital promise to myself, and one that I am going to keep for not only my sake but for my family as well.

So I'm going to share it here. Maybe there are others in the same boat -- if so, email me, and we can make the resolution together!! The more the merrier.

My New Year's resolution for 2006 is to lose 100 pounds. I've lost 85 pounds since my top weight in 2002....but I have a lot more to lose. And I need to be more serious and more dedicated about it.

When I was pregnant with my son Joshua (who is now nearly 18 months old), I had severe gestational diabetes and learned first hand what it's like to deal with diabetes -- constant blood sugar checks, insulin shots, very restrictive diet, etc. And I don't want to end up with full blown Type 2 diabetes.

Since Joshua was born, I've been holding my weight steady but I haven't lost any more weight. And it's time to get serious and get busy. If I don't whittle down my buns the rest of the way now, it will be too late for me and I'll be into massive health and physical problems.

So, here in front of all my craft pals, I am announcing that you will be seeing a lot less of Juli come next December.

I don't enjoy being fat. I don't like the way I look. Makeup and a good hair-do are great, but it can't cover up the 180 extra pounds I'm carrying around with me wherever I go. I want a different look, a different lifestyle, a different future than I can have at my large size. And I'm just stubborn enough to make sure I get what I want. Just ask my husband. LOL. :)

I'm starting today, and I will post updates here as I go along. If anybody wants to join with me to lose weight, let me know. We could start a crafty losers support group on Yahoogroups. :)

And, usually, I avoid showing pictures of myself because I don't like my weight. But, my friend Karla and others have been asking for me to post one. So, here is a picture of me with a very dear friend of mine that I'm sure you'll recognize: (and yes, he really is as sweet in person as he is on tv. Very motivating and hyper -- and a lot of fun!)

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

And, a contest question for today:

If you don't know about the contest, look at my entry here:
The prize box is filled with goodies worth more than $100! :)

Just post an answer to today's question (and any prior questions as you can enter more than once), along with your email address or url, and you're entered to win! :)

What's your New Year's Resolution??